
Duo 将推出用于 CWRU 双因素身份验证的全新通用提示

Duo 宣布正在改变其外观,并将在 3 月 30 日添加一些新功能。您在登录重要的 CWRU Web 应用程序时看到的熟悉的双因素提示将在未来几周内逐步淘汰,取而代之的是 Duo 的新通用提示,它具有更简约的外观。传统的提示将继续有效,但将逐步淘汰,以防止CWRU服务中断。


“Traditional Prompt” shows a screen-capture of the “Traditional”  DUO look when prompted by a CWRU web service prompting for a 2nd authentication factor. Text displayed along top of the box: Authentication with DUO is required for the requested Service”.  Medium size box with three stacked horizontal bars saying “Settings”.  Three green boxes are displayed with the following options that read “Send me a push”, “Call Me”, “Enter a passcode”, including a small check box which reads “Remember me for 120 hours”.  Link: “Cancel this request.”

“Universal Prompt” shows a screen-capture of the upcoming change to Duo’s look and feel, when a CWRU web service gives a prompt to send a 2nd authentication factor, such as a Duo Push to the user’s mobile device. The background is white, and reads “Check for a Duo Push. Verify it’s you by approving the notification. Sent to ‘Android’ (***-***-6489). Link: Other Options. Link: Need help?”


  • 检查 Duo Push(默认):检查移动设备是否有 Duo Push 提示并批准它。
  • 导航到“其他选项”以选择:
    • 双推
    • Duo 移动密码(检查移动设备上的 Duo 应用程序以获取密码)
    • 短信密码(向您的手机号码发送短信)
    • 电话呼叫(接听电话并通过键盘确认 Duo 提示)
    • 绕过代码(仅提供 ID 验证和 ISO 批准的长期代码)
[Alt-Text: Screenshot of the Duo Universal Prompt other options to login: “DUO Push”, “Duo Mobile Passcode”, “Text message Passcode”, “Phone call”, “Bypass Code”.  Link: Need help?]

Duo 不限于一台设备,还可以将多个设备注册到 Duo 帐户,以提供其他设备选项,以便设置更多身份验证选项。如果对此附加设置有疑问,ISO 和服务台可以提供更多信息。

新闻旨在传播有益信息,英文版原文来自 https://thedaily.case.edu/duo-to-feature-new-universal-prompt-for-cwru-two-factor-authentication/