
描述成为第二学期大四学生的 10 个模因

A meme of the cartoon genie from Aladdin on a blue and black gradient background. In the meme the genie is staring blankly into space and above him it says "The genie looking at me after I told him that my wish is to be employed and understood".

不知怎的,春季学期已经过了一半……谁让这种情况发生?随着毕业的兴奋即将到来,你会认为高年级学生会有一种新发现的动力感,在他们最后几个月的学校里获得动力。要是这么简单就好了!为了描述成为老年人的本质,我们整理了一份模因列表,这些模因对我们的专业拖延技巧和对查看 LinkedIn 的恐惧进行了一些取笑:

A meme with blue screen and white text that reads "I went to the locked in factory and nobody knew you."


A meme of the cartoon genie from Aladdin staring blankly into space and above him it says "The genie looking at me after I told him that my wish is to be employed and understood".


A child looking away from a fire happening behind her, smiling. The fire says "my GPA." The child says "me (happy,healing).


Meme of a tabby cat with the look of an existential crisis on its face. Above the photo of the cat says "Don’t mind me, I’m just having some visions and fantasies."

只是愿景板,实际上没有什么能成为 IRL 体验(也就是我低调吓坏了)。

A scene within a hospital with a caption running across the photo that reads "Do not CHECK LINKEDIN."


A person standing and holding their head in his hands. The caption reads "When someone asks me what my hobbies are but I literally just rot in bed and be delusional."

我保证我的爱好比闲逛更多。例如,我是一个优秀的 yapper!

A screenshot from a tiktok with a guy that has his hands in his pockets and the text overlay reads "life is basically just a series of obstacles preventing me laying in my bed on my phone"


A tweet that reads "I have to stop adding 'please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions' at the end of my emails because I be lying!!!! Please hesitate"


A meme that reads "This chapter of my life is called: uhhhhhh" with two "100" emojis afterwards.


This is a meme that has a black and purple background that reads "Me when I realize that it's almost spring."

