
新的 Saul Steinberg、Langston Hughes 资料被添加到图书馆的数字馆藏中

three men  resting against rocks in black and white photo. One at left looks at camera and wears dark cardigan; man at center looks down, and man at right wears cap and wide patterned tie with pen in his shirt pocketColored line drawing of a "taksi" with five skeletal figures in it driving toward a bed in front of a sign that reads "Hotel Splandid" and "Avenu Backsheesh"Two pages of handwritten letter from Zora Neale Hurston that reads in part "So long old timer, let me know at once"Black and white 1914 photo of large crowd of men in Highland dress marching with walking sticksTyped postcard to Cassius Clay, dated March 3, 1964, that reads "I hear you are interested in history, well history is no mystery, why out of the fact that some men are black others try to make a twistery is the only mystery, take it from me" signed "Langston" in green ink

12 月,图书馆的数字馆藏中增加了 5,800 张新图像。

其中包括美国艺术家索尔·斯坦伯格(Saul Steinberg,1914-1999 年)的两箱艺术品,他以为《时尚芭莎》、《Vogue》、《财富》和其他 20 世纪期刊创作的素描和拼贴画而闻名,尤其是他为《纽约客》创作的流行封面艺术。斯坦伯格的艺术作品在多个博物馆展出,包括现代艺术博物馆、芝加哥艺术学院和耶鲁大学美术馆。

哈莱姆文艺复兴时期作家和诗人兰斯顿·休斯(Langston Hughes,1901-1967 年)的论文中最近对个人信件进行了数字化处理,其中包括小说家佐拉·尼尔·赫斯顿和范妮·赫斯特的信件,以及休斯于 1964 年寄给卡修斯·克莱(穆罕默德·阿里)的明信片。还有几张休斯与诗人诺曼·麦克劳德(Norman MacLeod)以及记者、民权律师兼法官洛伦·米勒(Loren Miller)一起前往内华达州旅行的照片。

此外,流亡的俄罗斯诗人、歌剧演员和革命家尼古拉·纳杰任(Nikolai Nadezhin,1885-1959 年)的论文中的照片和信件也进行了新数字化。在1950年代,纳杰津与苏格兰作家康普顿·麦肯齐(Compton Mackenzie)合作,为麦肯齐的出版物 《留声机月刊》(The Gramaphone Monthly Review)撰写了有关俄罗斯作曲家的文章。(Mackenzie,又名Monty,在收藏的1914年左右的高地人游行照片中被描绘为“背面”,如上面的图片库所示。



Student in white long-sleeve t-shirt, blue jeans, and pink sneakers squats before open display cases arranging a display of manuscript pagesWoman with short dark hair and dark green blouse and long earrings looks at camera. To her left are shelves that display artwork. One reads "Planetaria by Monica Ong"
