

Collage of different Boston University students.


女性身份不仅仅是一种身份;它体现了主动性、友谊和无限性。作为倡导 DEI 的女性,我们毫不畏惧地挑战现状,在日常生活中为所有人营造安全的空间。尽管社会已经朝着更加平等的方向发展,但不可否认的是,不平等的权力动态在我们的社会景观中持续存在。有时,我们可能没有意识到这些结构,因为不平等可能在我们的文化规范中根深蒂固。

与渗透到我们日常生活中的不平等现象作斗争,从我们彼此之间的定期对话开始。在过去的 22 年里,我很幸运地与那些倡导多样性的人建立了女性友谊,我非常感激和兴奋能在妇女历史月期间发起这些重要的对话。

以下是这 10 位鼓舞人心的波士顿大学女性在被问及“为什么女性倡导多样性、公平和包容性如此重要”时所说的话?

Naomi Downing (CAS'24) sitting in a chair in front of green plants and purple colored flowers. She is smiling and looking at the camera.
Boston University student Grace Kim. She is standing on a deck in the dark and the picture was taken with flash. She is turned to the side, her face smiling and looking at the camera. She has on a green top and white bottoms.
Boston University student Juliana Sena (CAS’24). This is a selfie and she has a straight face, looking at the camera, with curly hair. She is wearing a white tank top with sunglasses tucked into her top.
Boston University student Patricia Rueckert (Sargent ‘25). She is in front of greenery, with her blonde curly hair down, smiling at the camera.
Boston University student  Melaina (Lainey) Roberto (COM’24). She is wearing a black longsleeve top in front of a grey, professional background. She is smiling at the camera.
Boston University student Sisi Amara (Questrom ’24). She is at a restaurant with her head leaning on her hand. She has on a pink top with white sunglasses on her head.
Boston University student Marianna Torres (COM ‘24). This is a selfie of her looking at the camera with a straight face on. She is wearing a white floral top with jewelry on.
Boston University Student Lily Segal (COM ‘24). She is in front of a black background, smiling at the camera.
Boston University student Geneva Thai (COM ‘24). She is standing on a city side walk with tall buildings behind her. She is smiling with a floral dress on, holding a bouqet of flowers towards the camera.
Boston University student Sajni Patel (Sargent’24). She is wearing a black dress and is outside, standing in front of a railing. The picture uses flash and she is smiling.

