

This photo is a courtesy of Gavin Cheng (Questrom'25, COM'25). He is interviewing a random person at Central Park in New York City for an interview video he was assembling. He has a microphone in his hands and is holding it to his mouth while he talks. The man to the left of him is engaged in the conversation, making eye contact with him. He is wearing a tan t-shirt and has a hot coffee cup in his hands. The trees are green in the background.


当我第一次创建我的 YouTube 频道时,我有成功的愿景,但很难将我的想法变为现实。我不是电子游戏的佼佼者,而且我在视频博客方面也很笨拙,所以我希望制作以其他人为主要主题的内容。我知道,通过采访视频创造一个利基市场,我可以获得我想要的曝光率,这将使我能够建立我的社交媒体品牌。我可以从受访者的发言中反弹,并在网上创建有趣的编辑,这样观众就可以欣赏我的视频,而不必在我身边。最重要的是,采访了数百人,确实帮助我克服了社交焦虑和对被拒绝的恐惧。

This photo is courtesy of Gavin Cheng (Questrom'25, COM'25). He is interviewing three individuals in white t-shirts. He has a mini microphone that he is holding between the four of them. There is a gathering going on in the background.
照片由Gavin Cheng提供


人们可能认为走到别人面前问问题很容易,但这项任务会带来很多挑战。为了从别人那里得到最自然和最热情的回应,你必须有一个热情和迷人的个性。我总是试图微笑着接近人们,当我漫步在Comm Ave时,会带来正能量。

This photo is a courtesy of Gavin Cheng (Questrom'25, COM'25). He is interviewing a random person at Central Park in New York City for an interview video he was assembling. He has a microphone in his hands and is holding it to his mouth while he talks. The man to the left of him is engaged in the conversation, making eye contact with him. He is wearing a tan t-shirt and has a hot coffee cup in his hands. The trees are green in the background.
照片由Gavin Cheng提供


This photo is courtesy of Gavin Cheng (Questrom'25, COM'25). He is in NYC on the streets, conducting an interview with a man on the street. He is in a black jacket, holding a mini microphone between him and the other person. The other perosn has a cowboy hat on with long hair. He is shirtless with a guitar strapped to his body.
照片由Gavin Cheng提供


这个故事的寓意是,从我与陌生人的互动中,我了解到害怕是可以的。接受这一点是我不再害怕的原因。每个人都一样!他们都有自己的观点,其中一些你无法改变。有些人会抽出时间与你交谈,而另一些人则不会。生活还在继续。重要的是要意识到你只能控制自己的行为。通过不再执着于他人的判断,做自己想做的事变得容易得多。我的经历教会了我为自己做事,并在我想说的时候说出我的想法。最后,当你不再试图给别人留下深刻印象时,没有什么可紧张的。YouTube 确实改变了我的性格,我期待在不久的将来利用这些过去的经验来帮助我创造新的更好的内容。
