


监狱门多(CAS ’23)

comic-style image of Jailee Mendo with speech bubble saying, "My favorite part of being back on campus is seeing the community still here and abiding by the guidelines. Being a Public Health Ambassador helps me reconnect with friends and keep the community safe."

Joyce Li Yue (Steinhardt’23)

comic-style image of Joyce Li Yue with speech bubble saying, "People have been very compliant with our gentle reminders about the public health guidelines. It makes me happy that the NYU community wants to beat this virus together."

Khym Valenzuela (CAS ’23)

comic-style image of Khym Valenzuela with speech bubble saying, "I'm most surprised by how friendly everyone is toward the PHAs, whether just making small talk or asking for clarifications on NYU's COVID-19 guidelines."

索菲亚·莫尔-史密斯(CAS ’23)

comic-style image of Sophia Moore-Smith with speech bubble saying, "I spent my freshman year at NYU Florence, so everything here in NYC is new to me. I am enjoying the crisp fall weather, endless food options, and so many museums and parks."

Linn Wolmebrant (CAS 23)

comic-style image of Linn Wolmebrant with speech bubble saying, "Ive still managed to meet new people virtually. Connecting has been surprisingly easy considering the circumstances, because we're all in the same unusual boat."
