

A new exhibition in Herring Hall captures the experiences of 10 Rice students who participated in HART in the World, a study abroad trip to London May 4-22, through photographs, journal entries and historical materials. HART in the World, an initiative sponsored by the Department of Art History, takes Rice undergraduates on a spring break cultural expedition to a major international metropolis; past trips have visited Istanbul, Rome and Rio de Janeiro.

在赫林厅的一个新展览通过照片、日记和历史材料,记录了10名莱斯学生参加5月4日至22日在伦敦举行的哈特世界留学之旅的经历。由艺术史系发起的“HART in the World”活动,带领莱斯大学的本科生春假期间到国际大都市进行文化考察;过去的行程包括伊斯坦布尔、罗马和里约热内卢。

今年,学生们在副教授利奥·科斯特洛(Leo Costello)和现任艺术史博士研究生雷切尔·哈迈耶(Rachel Harmeyer)的指导下,对伦敦进行了为期两周的考察。在许多杯茶和地铁之旅中,这群人去了西苏塞克斯郡的佩特沃斯宅邸和公园,参观了跨越几个世纪的英国重要艺术收藏品和档案,与策展人会面,调查了伦敦的建筑和文化历史。(照片由Katharine Shilcutt提供)

This year, students explored London for two weeks with the guidance of Associate Professor Leo Costello and current art history Ph.D. candidate Rachel Harmeyer. Amid many cups of tea and trips on the Tube, the group traveled to Petworth House and Park in West Sussex, saw important British art collections and archives spanning centuries, met with curators and investigated London’s architectural and cultural histories.
