
How “Gatekeepers” to a Cell’s Nucleus Let Genetic Instructions Pass Through

The three-dimensional structures for three proteins in the human nuclear pore complex: Gle1 (green), Nup42 (yellow), and DDX19 (pink).

Credit: Hoelz Lab/Dan Lin/Caltech

A movie showing the three-dimensional structures, and interactions, for three proteins in the human nuclear pore complex—a gatekeeper in the cell that ushers mRNA molecules from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. Gle1, which is stabilized by Nup42, helps activate DDX19, priming it to bind mRNA molecules. Ultimately, DDX19 helps to send mRNAs along their way, so that they can be translated into proteins in the cytoplasm.

Credit: Hoelz Lab/Dan Lin/Caltech


Ares Rosakis Awarded the Timoshenko Medal

Ares Rosakis

Credit: EAS Office of Communications/Caltech


Exact Optical Frequencies on Demand

Composite photo of the test bed for NIST’s chip-based optical frequency synthesizer.

Credit: Burrus/NIST

A silicon wafter with optical resonators, each capable of recirculating photons hundreds of thousands of times to generate specific optical freequencies

Credit: Ki Youl Yang and Gi-Mun Yang


Caltech Celebrates Newest Cohort of Named Professors

在2017-18学年,加州理工学院表彰了6名教员,并授予他们第一个被命名为教授的头衔,这是该学院对个别教员颁发 […]


JPL News: NASA Finds Ancient Organic Material, Mysterious Methane on Mars

NASA’s Curiosity rover has discovered ancient organic molecules on Mars, embedded within sedimentary rocks that are billions of years old.



Ten Thousand Bursting Genes

Intron seqFISH enables 3D reconstruction of nascent transcription active sites (colored spots) in an embryonic stem cell (blue), with individual chromosomes occupying distinct spatial territories (colored differently). Here, 982 transcription active sites, corresponding to individual genes, are present in this cell.

Credit: Courtesy of the Cai laboratory


The Cartography of the Nucleus

A 3D model of the nucleus made with SPRITE: DNA regions in the “inactive hub” on chromosomes 15 (orange) and chromosome 18 (green) coming together around a large nuclear body in the nucleus (blue) called the nucleolus (red).

Credit: Courtesy of the Guttman laboratory


JPL News: Juno Solves 39-Year Old Mystery of Jupiter Lightning

This artist’s concept of lightning distribution in Jupiter’s northern hemisphere incorporates a JunoCam image with artistic embellishments. Data from NASA’s Juno mission indicates that most of the lightning activity on Jupiter is near its poles.

Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/JunoCam


Collisions of Dead Stars Spray Heavy Elements Throughout Small Galaxies

The Sculptor Dwarf galaxy, pictured here, is one of the smallest galaxies included in the new Caltech study. Scientists have discovered that the majority of heavy elements in these small galaxies are created by neutron star mergers. This informs the origin of heavy elements throughout the universe.

Credit: ESO


Caltech Service & Impact Awards Honor Staff Excellence

Tina Lowenthal (right), director of procurement for Purchasing Services, accepts the 2018 Team Impact Award on behalf of the P2P team.