
At Carpenter Center, an explosion of creativityAt Carpenter Center, an explosion of creativityCommunity Football Day perfect, Crimson tooCommunity Football Day perfect, Crimson too

克里斯·周(Chris Chow)一边在浴缸下摆弄着他镶有镜框的橙色和黄色丝网画,一边享受着在安妮特·莱米厄(Annette Lemieux)的“Silkscreen”班上课的时光。在他身后,佐伊·奥兹(Zoe Oz)和詹姆斯·雅各比(James Jacoby)挤在水池旁,创造了一种他们自己的图形研究。这栋建筑的著名建筑师勒柯布西耶(Le Corbusier)打算在这些空间里进行一系列创造性的活动,他设计了这栋1963年的建筑,以反映人体本身的几何比例。在这些空间里,艺术模仿生活,正如生活模仿艺术一样。

外面,在秋色的华盖下,Katarina Burin教授“Drawing Room: Space as Framework,”,学生们在黑色的炭笔上作画,蚀刻出Carpenter Center的轮廓。“我经常让我班上的学生画这个建筑。它充满了瞬间,构成了我们的视野,让你可以看到深层的开放空间,内部和外部不断融合,以最令人兴奋的方式让我们的体验迷失方向,”伯林说。“角度令人惊叹,光线在混凝土上投下美丽的阴影。这是一个活跃的空间,需要我们不断的创新。”


在卡彭特中心,Annette Lemieux教授的丝网印刷过程中,Zoe Oz '17 creates primary color monotypes using boxes and mixed-media during Silkscreen, taught by Annette Lemieux, in the Carpenter Center. 1Zoe Oz ’17使用盒子和混合介质创建主色单体。In Silkscreen, Chris Chow '20 sponges away pastel paint from silhouetted images of chairs. “In my classes I attempt to create a supportive experimental environment that supports my student's individual interest—content, ways of working, modes of representation,” said Lemieux. 2英寸丝网印刷,周星驰(Chris Chow)用海绵将柔和的颜料从椅子的剪影上抹去。“在我的课堂上,我试图创造一个支持性的实验环境,支持我的学生’的个人兴趣——内容、工作方式、表现方式,”Lemieux说。詹姆斯·雅各比(james Jacoby)的’19(右)拿着一幅醋酸盐画进入暗室,创造了一个新的丝网画框,而克里斯·周(Chris Chow)的’20(左)和佐伊·奥兹(Zoe Oz)的’17共用水槽空间。GSD学生justin Jiang在Lemieux的课堂上给他的抽象绘画涂了大量的黑色丙烯酸颜料。Alexa Oord '17 carries a plaster head for a project that incorporates the manipulation of found and original imagery in the fourth floor studios. 5Alexa Oord ’17为一个项目携带一个石膏头,该项目包含了对四楼工作室中发现的和原始图像的处理。Michael Rothberg '17 paints during Stephen Prina's Lay of the Land class where students work independently in the studio space in the fifth floor studios. 6迈克尔Rothberg ’17描绘Stephen Prina’s躺在土地类的学生独立工作在五楼的工作室空间工作室。Hope Green '20 (left) sketches a crescent form with pencil as Ryan Lucero, teaching assistant, looks on during Lay of the Land. Prina explains the creative cosmos inside and outside the studio, "The space depicted is merely a formal limitation, because the world is our studio." 7Hope Green ’20(左)用铅笔勾勒出一个新月形,助教瑞安·卢塞罗(Ryan Lucero)在一旁观看。Prina解释了工作室内外的创意宇宙,“所描绘的空间只是一个形式上的限制,因为世界是我们的工作室。安娜·霍珀,博士研究生,在斯蒂芬·普林的土地阶级的业余活动中,在醋酸盐和纸上作画。“每个工作室都充满了自己的个性和挑衅。它们还提供了坚实的工作空间;开放广阔;以及通风、采光充足的房间,”视觉和环境研究助理教授马特·桑德斯(Matt Saunders)说。GSD student Jane Zhang studies a wall used for brainstorming visual sequences during Stephen Prina's Lay of the Land class. 9GSD学生张珍(Jane Zhang)正在研究一面墙,这面墙在斯蒂芬·普林斯(Stephen prina’)的陆上课程中用于头脑风暴视觉序列。Laura Chapman '20 clips out hand drawn flowers and castles for a diorama during Lay of the Land. Inspired by a freshman seminar about folklore, Chapman is inspired by stories that are “separate yet existing in the same realm. I love being around an incredibly diverse group of people engaging in very different projects who inspire each other to experiment in new ways and to expand our understanding of what art is.” 10Laura Chapman ’20剪辑出手绘的花朵和城堡,作为立体模型。查普曼的灵感来自于大一新生关于民俗的研讨会,她的灵感来自于那些“独立却存在于同一个领域”的故事。我喜欢和一群非常多样化的人在一起,他们从事着非常不同的项目,他们互相启发,以新的方式进行实验,扩大我们对艺术的理解。在《客厅:空间为框架》中,视觉与环境研究讲师Katarina Burin(中)在Carpenter center的草坪上教Branson Doyle Laszlo ’18和Hope Green ’20(左)。Katarina Burin (center) and Harry Choi '16, teaching assistant (upper left) support students as they create charcoal drawings of the Carpenter Center. “Teaching here is a very special experience, the building is one of the most beautiful and unique buildings in the world— I love that it is still being used for its original purpose” said Burin. 12Katarina Burin(中)和Harry Choi ’16,助教(左上)帮助学生们创作木工中心的炭笔画。伯林说:“在这里教学是一种非常特殊的经历,这座建筑是世界上最美丽、最独特的建筑之一。